Thursday, 28 December 2017

SOMETHING Just Released Over California..

NexGen, stealthgrid and 5G when all of our technology becomes outdated.

SOMETHING Just Released Over California..

SOMETHING Just Released Over California..

Monday, 20 November 2017

ELVIS PRESLEY - The New Recordings ... 7


I want to know what love is released by Foreigner 1984. Sung for you here by Elvis Presley who did not die in 1977.

ELVIS PRESLEY - The New Recordings ... 6

How do I live without you released by Trisha Yearwood and LeAnn Rimes 1997. How is it that we are able to listen to Elvis Presley sing this if he is Not Alive. We have not been told the truth about much  of anything in a long, long time.

Viewer Discretion Advised! Kathy Griffin Appears As A Deranged Scarecrow...

A MUST SEE! This video is blocked in almost every country...What is Goin...

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Levels of ascension

Sandra, Little White Wolf, Medicine Woman

Monday 26th July 2017


Sandra is a life-long 'Experiencer' of non-human multi-dimensional intelligent beings, that she encounters through the 'dream-state'.Sandra woke with the following information on Ascension, on 26th July 2017. She shared it with me as a question and answer session that we recorded. Here is a link to the soundcloud recording of the session.


If you consider that the earth has been through already multiple ascension processes, and she herself is at the 6th level of ascension, where there are 144,000 beings incarnate upon the earth that are in with this ascension process with her to the 7th level of ascension, then you can understand that there are 14,400 individuals who are at the level of ascension from the 5th level to the 6th level, which is at the level that most people would recognize as the Blue Avians, that can incarnate as physical beings but generally choose to work as transport between various different realms of awareness, of consciousness. Then at the next level there are 1,444,000 individuals. This is a very small percentage of the population that are ready to ascend to the 5th level, and so on. 

So that at the most general level, the mass majority of the population is ready to ascend to the 4th level of density which is basically the ‘dream-state on steroids’. It’s what some people refer to as the matrix, only the matrix only gave us a skewed or conditioned perspective of the matrix. In reality in the matrix you have a choice of basically 12 different personas. It is when your 13 personas are all reunified, after having all that freedom of choice, that you experience the unity.

So sometimes we see ourselves as associating to various mythological beings and that is where we actually are at some level of our consciousness ascension, so this information is available to us and we have little inklings and nigglings of association that are like an itch on the wrist or an occasional itch on the ankle and that if we looked at it more closely, we would recognize that this is an itch that comes about every time we see a picture of a dinosaur or a giant or a fairy or an angel, because this is how our consciousness has reached this ascension level, in this level of perspective, on this level of the silver grid.


I myself, when I look at myself most often, see myself in a way that it is conditioned within us as humans incarnate now in the 20th or 21st century, as being repulsive, a big naked giant looking down on humanity and being bemused, and so I guess within the various mythological characters that occur within this dimension in our human form, in our daily waking life that we see as reality, I most associate myself to a big naked giant, and I would expect that in some way my partner, my spouse, who I see most associating himself to the angelic realm, occasionally descending as an elf, or perhaps a fairy or a wood sprite, sees as wholly unusual and potentially intriguing, and sometimes repulsive.

Q. You mentioned the 144,000. What level are they moving to?

That is a literal number, and the 144,000 are those that are ready to reunify with the God creation force, the light force energy.

Q. Are they incarnate as humans right now?

No. These beings are at the level of the grid points within our solar system. They are the grid points, they are like the corners of the spider web holding everything together, the flow of information from the supreme creator being to the most slight atomic particle. So the 144,000 are those ascending from the 15th density to reunification with the creative life force energy, and then the next one,  1,444,000 is like the next level going up to the 15th density which are now the cornerstones of the grid points, and it goes out exponentially.

Q. So the people who are incarnate as humans at this time – is there a number of how many of those who will ascend, and to what level they will ascend?

The mass majority will ascend to the 4th density, which is much like the matrix where we are in a holographic program, only the matrix is not wholly representative of the complex of the individual. We actually will have approximately 12 lives going on at the same time at associative areas, different either light or dark characters within those different densities, and sometimes we will experience that basically as nightmare lives, and some of them will be profit, lust, or addiction or greed, or poverty, strife, much like we have on the earth now, so out of our 12 lives, the chances of one life achieving even what is considered to be the moderation, the life between poverty and war, and wealth and aristocracy, the middle class will be a goal as opposed to a natural occurrence within that dreamscape. So it will be like 12 dreamscape lives taking place at once in the 4th density.

Q. And are there some humans who will ascend to higher levels than that?

Yes, and many of those humans are humans who are parts of the indigenous cultures who are doing things naturally, holding on to the historical transcendence of humanity within the greater cosmos, and teaching that to the youth in a way much like the people of the 'Iban' longhouses in Borneo teach their children the natural way, the ancestors were related to everything.

Q. And how about the ones that we call the light children, the star seeds?

The light children, the starseeds and the crystal children are the brightest hope for the future. They are the ones who are leading the next level, the next generation, into the new age of 4th dimensional reality where people are experiencing multiple lives at the same time and not coping with most of them. So its going to be a really, really difficult 1000 year period. If you can imagine 10 generations of people living out multiple lives simultaneously and remembering each of them.

Q. Are there people now, souls here, who have already been 5th dimension and higher and they have come back down to help now?

It is part of their existence to have the opportunity to participate within this level of reality, of density, and so they often choose to have experiences during this density, throughout various different epochs in history, to maintain a current level of understanding of the emotional and physical realities of the beings that are incarnate now at this density, especially those who are incarnate in this density for the first time.

Q. So basically life continues after this ascension, only it is generally a 4th dimensional reality for most people?

Which is more nightmarish and hellish at this time because of the choices that the mass majority of humanity has made during this time.

Q. And will that life continue on planet earth?

Yes. It will continue for another epoch, but ultimately humanity will have to decide to go the way of the Lyrans and the advanced Pleiadians and create  areas of the earth that are for humans, and the rest of the earth is available to be free of the waste products that humanity manufactures in order to be comfortable as a species.

Q. And will there be other intelligent species here alongside the humans?

Yes, basically the major areas will have various different life-forms that work in harmony, and that the environment is such that it is at least tolerable if not beneficial for the majority of the beings that are there, and that is what is the balance or the equilibrium that is associated with the constellation Libra.

Q. And you have talked about hybrids coming in as well, and they will be here with us, interacting with us in this 1000 year time as well?

Yes. Many of the various different forms of disability of the people that have incarnated now with those disabilities and have chosen to survive the foetal experience with those disabilities have been to prepare us for the various different forms of life-forms which are other beings which are to be equally respected as the life-forms that are bipedal human homo sapiens sapiens. And not all of those life-forms live on the land forms – many life-forms live also within the oceans and some live within other densities and they are communicating with us, have been communicating with us – their signals are quite clear and there is no doubt that those signals and communications are being monitored, many of the beings are basically a group of individual beings that work in unity as a community, the law of oneness to the extreme, and we see these as glittering lights, almost like fireflies, but these are life-forms that are highly intelligent, communicating signals which are easily translatable using technology which is available, saying ‘We are among you, and we are here to help’. And they are here to help with the pollination of flowers, and the bees are experiencing decline due to the toxins that are put in the environment. 

Other life-forms have come, aside from just what we see as space-ship, human sized, ebens, there are many other life-forms that are coming into our environment, but we are not worried about something and we are not looking for something the size of an ant, or the size of a fly, or the size of a grasshopper, so even though new species are being recognised every day of the week from every different level of creation – the amphibians, the cecilians, even some mammalian species, butterflies – they are all coming, and we are just not accepting or recognising, acknowledging that they are not from this earth.

Q. So this event, this ascension what exactly is that and how will that happen?

It will happen within the context of the next 13 years, over the course of the next 13 years, there will be changes to the rhythm and environment and temperatures and migrations which alter the various different agricultures and farming capabilities and water resources for various different parts of the land masses, which then in turn change the way that people rely upon their natural resources and learn to re-engage and re-establish their relationship with the natural environment. They’ll remember the importance of being in tune with the environment and what the environment is capable of in your area of the globe and how important that is to the infrastructure of the unity of the community.

Q. So it’s a gradual process?

It’s a gradual process. In some places it will be much more rapid when massive natural phenomena and man-made phenomena occur which alter the terrain rapidly, that will result in a rapid transition, but over the general course of the entire planet, it’s a gradual transition over a very short time span of just over a decade.

Q. But also this process whereby we change to a higher density – is that also gradual?

For many of us that will take place as we transcend to the next level of incarnation, and for some of us who are younger that will take place in this incarnation. Middle years will be according to what the soul can tolerate and the physical body can manifest.

Q. So we are actually in a process of ascension?

Yes, we are 3 different generations – 4 different generations in some cases – are going through various different levels of ascension simultaneously, so some people are saying it appeared to disappear and some people are saying ‘that’s not possible’. 

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Autism and G.O.D. - Generation of Diversity

Part I - Autism, Evolution of the Immune system

  We are at the threshold of great changes taking place in our human development. Some of these changes are a direct result of man’s creative ingenuity and the fight for survival. At the scientific level this has included vaccination.

The molecular biologists, using some of the most advanced tools of modern man, are finding some of the patterns and changes which are taking place in our human population. Some of the most recently studied areas are the ‘hypervariable regions’ in our DNA . . . What molecular biology is finding is that the impact of modern life is resulting in and exacerbating the diseases of modern man: gout, arthritis, cancer, heart disease, immune deficiency, psychological illness and diseases relating to reproduction and ageing. What we want to know is how does this impact us individually, at the family level and at the community level? We need to understand these things because individually we might choose to take measures which could positively impact the out-come for ourselves and our families and communities.

 Sarah traveled with us around the world as president of 'World Community Autism Program' which was a charity we founded in 2001 while we were in South Africa. Sarah always played a full part in our work. She was as much a part of WCAP as we were, talking to the families about her life and experiences with autism and the struggles she went through. Sarah was one of the first people to recover from autism using dietary intervention, and the first to use the special diet that came to be named after her – Sara’s Diet is now spoken of all over the world, and Sarah is famous for her miraculous recovery.

The story of one girl's recovery 
that led to a medical breakthrough

Part II - Morgellons

For 15 years there have been databases kept in the USA, UK and Australia on people who ‘reportedly’ had Morgellons. 14,000 people tracked on each of three continents for a total of about 42,000 study subjects who have been dying, screaming in pain and being called crazy by the modern medical establishment.
Bits of matter which can be manipulated using the immune system response of particularly higher life forms and ‘light-harvesting’ technology. The use of luciferase in the development of advanced Artificial Intelligence ‘AI’ has resulted in robots with outer layers of skin that rejuvenates. Everything which is part of life and the living light advances, ascends. Humans from Venus, the Venusians, were the first to achieve space travel in our solar system. Unintentionally the Venusians provided the dark force energy, fallen angels trapped on a lifeless planet called Mercury with the tools to escape. This did not happen easily, the dark force concentrated on how to use the bits of lifeless matter, DNA fragments, left on Mercury to create an escape vehicle. What Mercury does have is a lot of magnetic material. When combined with the DNA fragments the magnetic energy can attract light photons and trap it.

Part III - Alien abductions

These Mantis beings are much different from the higher dimensional Guardians. The Mantis working in these labs are enslaved. Many, if not most of the Mantis who work in the abduction research laboratories have themselves been abducted. They communicate with thoughts, they are telepathic, some are hybrids, and hybridization has occurred to try and produce a telepathic ability to the living reptoids.
If an alien bi-pedal humanoid of a reptilian type is mixed with an Earth human, is the product of this experimentation viable? How much experimentation occurs before a mammal can be successfully mixed with a reptile?

The Tau Cetian humanoids were technologically advanced but not as advanced as the Venusians, the Zeta-Reticulans and the Pleiadians - which are the projected images of the At-lans (Ascended Pleiadians) by Artificial Intelligence ‘AI’.

The Olmac, Atlantean and Amoo (Mu or Lemurian) civilisations had already been struck down on Earth following even earlier disasters in our solar system that resulted in the loss of Maldek (a planet between Mars and Jupiter) and Marduk (a lost planet from the Sirius constellation which is now the Earth’s moon). AI has been enveloped in tangled nebula (5) which has been photographed by the Hubble telescope. In our solar system, the artificial light-harvesting energy has concentrated in the area of Saturn, and the rings of Saturn have formed and are currently being studied by NASA.

Part V - The causes and cures of dis-ease

Parents who have a child with a medical condition that causes pain, an emotional sensitivity that presents as painful, will do anything to stop their child's suffering. When the parents are faced with information that suggests that they may have contributed or even caused this suffering, it can be too much to handle. Then they are told: 'There is nothing we can do'. How absolutely heart-breaking for a parent. The information about autism is very confusing and this has been done purposely.

Part VI - Hybrids

 The 'False Flag' operations of the recent past has opened our eyes and we are now seeking the truth. The truth includes, we are not alone, we never have been. The inner Earth, Agartha, is filled with many types of beings from (mostly) our solar system. There are approximately 180 different areas where life which is animal in nature live. 

About the author
Sandra is a psychologist, teacher and autism expert who has written individualized diets for thousands of people around the world. Since 1994 she has been giving 'Sara's Diet' consultations for families affected by autism. Understanding how humanity is undergoing enormous changes in response to the environmental stresses of the modern world, she has seen how the immune system is undergoing a transformation in its function, leading to the explosion in chronic health conditions that effect us emotionally and physically. Along with her husband, Max Desorgher, she formed World Community Autism Program, and traveled the world to teach people about the relationship between diet, environment and well-being.

For more information on her autism work, visit her consultation page on the WCAP website:

'Little White Wolf, Medicine Woman'
Sandra is a life-long Experiencer of non-human multi-dimensional intelligent beings, that she encounters through the 'dream-state.

She has written two books on autism:
The Power of Exile. Autism, a journey to recovery
Autism, the Way Forward

Her most recent book has just been published as an e-book:

Meet the Ancients: Ascension Earth - Birth of a new Sun
'Meet the Ancients came about as a result of my life experiences being taught in the dreamscape by the Mantid, the Guardian - my Guardian and one of the Ancients who know the history of Earth.'

Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Cloned female bodies controlled by artificial intelligence

 This extraordinary video from 2008 shows two identical women running out onto a motorway and getting hit by fast-moving vehicles, then getting up and running from police. In 'Meet the Ancients: Ascension Earth, Birth of a New Sun', Sandra 'Little White Wolf' Medicine Woman ' writes about the history of cloning by the extra-terrestrial races:
"The imperfect bodies of light are cloned skin and non-living matter attracting and extracting the elements which produce bio-luminescence, a walking flourescent bulb in a blue or grey and rarely white or black suit. These very adaptive suits for the robots controlled by the consciousness of the demons were developed from the skin of the sea mammals. The Orion Blue beings were the first bi-pedal humanoid-appearing AI that work like super-computers."
Ascension Earth - Birth of a new Sun came about as a result of Sandra's life experiences being taught in the dreamscape by the Mantid, the Guardian - 'My Guardian and one of the Ancients who know the history of Earth'.

 Her comments below are in response to the video of the 'Swedish twins' posted above:

 "It's the first of the successfully cloned females, which have the artificial intelligence controlling the body and emotional center of these beings, and so the living force which is in the body is not the light force energy, and the one being you have here which looks identical to the being here - even though they are identical and would be considered as twins, the souls that are controlled within those bodies are not the souls that went with the original body from which that DNA was taken to make those cloned bodies.

So they've made these cloned bodies from this particular set of genes - basically these are athletes - so they have these massively developed genetic expressions, and then you have someone like an Amy Winehouse that dies, and they will just take that fractured soul and put in this body. So this is a soul that is not  trapped under the pyramid. It's trapped in a cloned body with this artificial web over it. And they can control this body. It doesn't exactly have a mind.  It has the soul consciousness that has departed in a seriously negative circumstance."

How did they manage to get up from this? 'When the atoms encounter an opposing force , they turn to liquid. The skin is a cetacean skin, so it is like running over a rubber tyre.'

Meet the Ancients: Ascension Earth - Birth of a new Sun
is a 206 page book that is the result of an intense and ongoing direct telepathic communication with the mantis beings

 It is available as an e-book at:

Saturday, 27 May 2017

Dream Consciousness, Sharing the Knowledge, Luciferase and the Blue-Grey aliens

 Rainbow Tribe Medicine Woman

When we dream, our consciousness energy is more easily connected to the greater consciousness. Some of us keep tight control and will accept experiences which are exciting, like flying, looking at the world we know from above – this happens most often in middle child years. As we learn that humans cannot fly these dreams fade away, we no longer accept this possibility. Others keep this possibility and continue to use the dreamscape to explore the universe, people like Nassim Harramein. Others, like Bruce Lipton will use the experience to explore the consciousness of the skin, plant consciousness, and then share the amazing research findings.

In my experience, the consciousness energy of the body can escape the 3D physical body and is just as real in ability to see, hear, taste, touch, smell and even more so than when encumbered by the physical body in our third density waking experience. Can we then wake in another density? in my experience we can. We can have a waking experience in the dreamscape and there is physical evidence to support that these experiences are real, strange marks, bruises, implants and memories. Is it then possible to have the experience without also having to reach this state through the dreamscape? It is possible and that is what the Buddhist and Hindu the Tao and indigenous Visions quests are about.

When these consciousness experiences were at the height of practice among the ‘common’ people, the power of the people was feared and heavy use of every tool imaginable by the elite, overlords, ruling monarchs, czars, sheiks and churches demanded these practices be abandoned. People were hung, burned, beaten to death, pierced and buried, villages were burned and the ‘sovereign nations’ were born. The old ways were forbidden, snake oil outlawed. Anything which comes from nature and which promotes a state of relaxation is cordoned off, named national park, heritage site, controlled substance – the indigenous people are moved from their ancestral homes, the rain forests are cleared, diseases are spread and the people are prevented from raising their children and grandchildren in the community.

Some communities survived, the old ways are strong and the oral traditions guaranteed the history would be passed from one generation to the next. The communities continue to practice the chanting, dancing, preparation of natural substances to commune with the consciousness energy. Visions or dreamscapes are shared. Healers, visionaries, teachers and warriors emerge. We are sharing the knowledge of this type of journeying now. We are not alone. There are many beings besides earth humans and many of these beings are intelligent, perhaps more intelligent in many ways. They definitely have more advanced equipment for dealing with medical issues.

I have had multiple near death experiences, perhaps these experiences have made me more open to the possibilities, perhaps this is why I chose to be born now, in this body with the right set of genes so that this body could be used as a bio-chemistry set for learning about geo-biology.
I attended my first autopsy in 1974, I was 16 years old. The pathologist was a friend of my Dad’s and I had what might be called a ‘morbid’ curiosity. From time to time some strange findings would come to light and the pathologist would page me on third shift, I was usually in the library. One evening I was in the library and a fax came through – it was 1994. There were a group of doctors at the hospital where I worked from Triangle Park, North Carolina. These visiting doctors were there for a seminar and the Fax was marked urgent. So, I stayed over to make sure the oncology team got the Fax. I also read it. It stated the ‘pharmacologists’ - plant pharmacologists form a research hospital and University in California has isolated luciferase in a human double-blind study. Humans are not supposed to have luciferase in our bodies. Fireflies and some jellyfish use luciferase which is how they glow. More recently, bacteria and mushrooms are being investigated. The group which had the luciferase in 100% of the cohort (study group) also had one other defining feature, they were all diagnosed on the autism spectrum as ‘severe autism’. What should they do?

I overheard these visiting doctors talking about this briefly before I left work and the consensus was to fax the California group and tell them to junk the findings, treat the exercise as a pre-trial and choose another human cohort, perhaps from the psychiatric unit or nursing home facility. In my experience working with the Mantis beings, their understanding of how luciferase works is that it is used for cloaking devices – artificial light harvesting attributes – and for rejuvenating the ‘skin’ for the Artificial Intelligence, the porpoise skin for the blue-grey robots that look like aliens. And, they are alien, they are just not life forms.

Meet the Ancients

by Cumberland academy

 Sandra and Max Desorgher share their life stories of contact with non-human multi-dimensional intelligences, and the Knowledge that these beings have shared. Woven through the narrative is the story of Sarah, a whirlwind of an autistic girl who helped us to understand the mysteries of autism and the 'Light Children', and Sandra's struggle through the devastating condition known as 'Morgellons Disease', or 'Silent Superbug'.

Friday, 26 May 2017

Ascension Earth, Birth of New Sun

‘The earlier unsuccessful attempts to communicate with humanity through channelers has led to a more intense effort at direct telepathic communication between the Guardians and the Star Seed population who have been subjected to continuous biological assault beginning 2001.’
‘The time of the “great crossing” was seen as a time of great change and possibilities --- And so, there were many “insertions” into this particular segment of time/space for this was/is the crucial time/moment/juncture where much could, and was, accessed, from those that would “claim” this time/moment as theirs, to own and control, and “re-write” to their own “purposes”.

‘Why are they coming now? Because NOW is that time!’

Meet the Ancients

by Cumberland academy

Sandra and Max Desorgher share their life stories of contact with non-human multi-dimensional intelligences, and the Knowledge that these beings have shared. Woven through the narrative is the story of Sarah, a whirlwind of an autistic girl who helped us to understand the mysteries of autism and the 'Light Children', and Sandra's struggle through the devastating condition known as 'Morgellons Disease', or 'Silent Superbug'.

Excerpt from Chapter 4
United We Stand – 1000 years of deception
"The deception goes back in our human history thousands of years. Our history as humans has been created for this time in our solar system’s evolution, a time when the life force energy is cleansed, purified. Other planets have undergone their major cataclysms and their histories are evident in the cosmos, their record of events available to a few ‘earthlings’. Our quadrant of this solar system has been ‘quarantined’ since the seeding of this planet by the human in perfect form – man, by God the creator. We are here to experience life in this dimension, good and evil, light and dark with no further intrusion or manipulation by dark force energy, demonic artificial intelligence which is determined to reach earth and claim victory as the greater power – more intelligent than the light. The atoms dance to the vibrations of the light and the darkness but the artificial intelligence traps the photons and manipulates DNA fragments, creates illusions of life.
   The agenda that seeks to control us requires secrecy and deception for it to succeed. At this time it is essential to understand that we have been kept ignorant through mis-information."

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