Sunday, 18 July 2010

The Common Basis of Science, Medicine and Spirituality

'As many pathways of knowledge are now coming together, we wish to affirm a common basis for science, medicine and spirituality -and that common basis is a higher consciousness connected with what we call the "embodiment of Light" or the Light Body.' Dr. J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D.

read full article in 'New Paradigm' journal

'I believe we can subconsciously connect with approximately 80 octaves of vibrations, even though most of them are inaudible . . .

. . .We are seeing how our body is part of a sound symphony which can be augmented by various vibratory sounds reaching within the neocortex, redefining post-Einsteinian science. We are recognizing that this higher area of the neocortex, utilizing both left and right hemispheric functions, can activate supermental powers. More importantly, that sound can help us heal ourselves when we have the right pattern of frequencies. They are there, within the structure of the universe down to the sounds of the DNA, vibrating in your body. . .

. . . We believe that even the ancient temples were created with a particular resonance to augment consciousness . . .

. . . We are truly being prepared for a realization that we are surrounded by a higher thinking evolutionary intelligence. We are basically tuning forks of energy, working within a planetary and ultimately a cosmic grid system.' Dr. J.J.Hurtak (The Academy for Future Science)

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