Monday, 27 March 2017

We are 9-Centered Beings

Nine Temples, Babaji ashram, Haidakhan, India

“All beings are multi-dimensional, including humans. Our problem is that we have forgotten our multi-dimensional nature and have been disconnected from much of ourselves.”

Barbara Hand Clow is an Astrologer, author, and expert in the Mayan Calendar. Her books include “The Alchemy of Nine Dimensions” and “The Pleiadian Agenda: A New Cosmology for the Age of Light”.

 Barbara was given the Knowledge of Nine Dimensions of Human Consciousness, by the Pleiadians, a group of 5th dimensional beings.
"The 9 dimensions exist along the axis of the World Tree, which is grounded in the center of the Earth. The World Tree is the cosmic creative force that creates Time and all the dimensional realms. In this model, the center of the Earth is the 1st dimension and the center of the galaxy is the 9th."

The Human Design System
Human Design entered the world in 1987 when Ra Uru Hu received a revelation from ‘The Voice’. It gives us a completely new understanding of the human life process, and shows us that we all have a unique design and a specific purpose to fulfill while on Earth.

According to the Human Design System, humanity is in the process of transition into a new being - the RAVE - which is a fully evolved 9-­centered being.

The First Dimension
The Akashic records are stored in the crystalline center of the earth, the first dimension. This databank of earth history can be hooked into at grid inter-sections or vector points on the surface. These ‘Secret Places of the Lion’ are repositories of ancient knowledge, revealing a deeper history of mankind and our interactions with multidimensional knowledge and higher intelligences.

The Second Dimension 

This is the realm of crystal and mineral essences, of viral and bacterial life-forms; It is where primal life emerges out of the rocks and the oceans and the interiors of our bodies, the telluric realm, of earth magic, shamanism and natural healing.

The urge to ‘move off-grid’ and reconnect with the earth, with healing and shamanic cultures, tells us that these second-dimensional energies are calling us to heal ourselves and the planet from the pollution and stress that we have created.

Third Dimension
Humans are the keepers of the third dimension. This is the realm of our everyday lives in linear space and time, of interactions, sexuality and relationships. As custodians of this realm, it is our responsibility to use our life-force correctly, keep the planet healthy and to ensure that we survive as a species.

Fourth Dimension
The 4th dimension is the collective unconscious, or mythical realm which has been deeply manipulated by the control systems and religionists of the world to keep us locked into a mindset ruled by fear of God, war and punishment.

Since 2011, we have been moving upwards through the 4th dimension, through a collective awakening. In Human Design, this is seen as the awakening of the Solar Plexus as a consciousness center:
“According to the Human Design System, humanity is in the process of transition into a new being, the RAVE. For the full mutation to happen, the emotional center, or Solar Plexus, has to fully mutate into an awareness center.”
As we move up through this field of projected belief systems, the veils of secrecy are lifted and the deceptions are exposed.

Fifth Dimension
According to many channelers, we are moving into a 5th Dimensional awareness.
“The slowly increasing energies needed for a birthing of the new consciousness and the earthing of a new planet began to flow to us in the late sixties.” Ruth White; Gildas Communicates

Max Desorgher
Cumberland Academy Co-Founder

"I have been on a knowledge quest my whole life. I am a healer, writer, teacher, counselor, artist, poet and world traveler. My vision of establishing a healing community that is also a center of learning, is finally coming to fruition."

"If we are to fully awaken, we need to reconnect to the tree of life"

Friday, 3 March 2017

Cumberland Academy


A center of transformational learning and a transitional holistic community' in a holistic and life-affirming new model

"The core project will be the development of an off-grid community and teaching center that innovates in integrative, holistic and life-affirming building design, energy systems, water management, gardening, food science, nutrition and herbology."
"Welcome to a new concept in life-changing education - Cumberland Academy is transforming the way we live and learn.
I have had the privilege to work with some of the greatest teachers, including Ruth White, Ra Uru Hu and Dr. J.J. Hurtak.
Now, my vision of establishing a healing community that is also a center of learning, is finally coming to fruition."

-- New Technologies - Environmental Sustainability --

Ecology and sustainability - natural and off-grid building - Renewable energy
Organic gardening - Permaculture - Forest Gardens

. . . Healing and Natural Medicine . . .
homeschooling - distance education - computer-based learning - community-based models - experimental models - freeschooling - unschooling - adapted curriculum - adapted technology 
. . . Knowledge and Wisdom Teachings . . .
Spiritual Teachings - Shamanic and Native American Traditions - Healing - Channeling - Dreaming -  Texts and scriptures - New Age Revelations - Human Design - Astrology - Cosmology

. . . Gaia, Space-portals and Emerging new Realities . . .
Rediscovered History - Ancient Civilizations - Inner Earth - Portals - Dragon energies - UFOs - Secret Space Programs - Global Elites - Conspiracies - Political Revolution - Multidimensional realities - Unified Field Theory

Orientation program
"Who am I? What is my calling? How do I find fulfillment? For most people, these basic questions are largely left unanswered, yet they are essential questions if our lives are to be purposeful. How do we go about finding answers to these questions, is the central theme of the orientation program"

Health and well-being
Self-motivation and commitment
Global awareness

 The Orientation program is the starting point for all of us, to find our path and our commitment. It leads to the status of 'Associate of Cumberland Academy' allowing entry into the many projects that we hope to develop together, as a community of teachers, builders and learners.

Dream - the Burning Tree

 I had the following dream during a thunderstorm on March 1st, 2017:

"I was in a room at a hostel, when there was a great crash of thunder. . . I looked outside and a tree was on fire that had been hit by lightening. Yet there was a group of people like a family near the tree, seemingly unperturbed by the event. . . A group of women rushed into the room, they looked like Sioux women from Standing Rock. They said that we had to leave because the ‘control system is going down.’ I was looking for my bags, but they said to leave everything behind."

David Wilcock (left) has said that the "Control Matrix" which is promoting a "trans-humanist" agenda of Artificial Intelligence to replace humanity with robots, will be taken down by the sun in a "Coronal Mass Ejection" event that will happen at a time when the earth's magnetic field is at it's weakest.

According to the 'Keys of Enoch' [J.J. Hurtak;] this event will send shock waves into the center of the earth, releasing torque that will spin the mantel of the earth and transform the earth and humanity by raising our consciousness to the 5th dimension.

"The Keys are, collectively, a code book that explains how the Divine is extended and manifested through higher Thought-Forms that unfold throughout all realms of life."

 This event has been described in many ancient scriptures, including the Bible:
"But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night ; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up." [2 Peter 3]

Corey Goode describes this solar event in great detail in this episode of the series Cosmic Disclosure with David Wilcock; season 6 episode 2:  

Earth's magnetic field is weakening
“Earth's magnetic field, which protects the planet from huge blasts of deadly solar radiation, has been weakening over the past six months, according to data collected by a European Space Agency (ESA) satellite array called Swarm. . . The scientists who conducted the study are still unsure why the magnetic field is weakening, but one likely reason is that Earth's magnetic poles are getting ready to flip, said Rune Floberghagen, the ESA's Swarm mission manager. In fact, the data suggest magnetic north is moving toward Siberia.'

“Thus, man must face the fact that magnetic field reversal, contributing to the rise and fall of species and civilizations, can occur very rapidly as a result of triggering events set in motion by cosmic oscillations in combination with the Earth's magnetic field.” [Keys of Enoch 304:43]

The control grid keeps humanity locked into a 3rd dimensional reality:

David Icke: “The matrix is tied to the moon which is tied to Saturn, or in astrotheology, “Satan”. The purpose of the matrix is to keep humans tuned into a specific frequency which keeps us tied into the illusion in order to allow for energy "vampirism". The matrix is a holographic projection that emits from Saturn and is assisted by the satellite we call the moon.”…/saturns-influence-on-the-m…/

The matrix also requires its servants on earth to believe in it so much that they will build the technologies on earth that keep us chained to the illusion.

TV 'broadcasting’ and ‘movies’ are the principal propagators of the control matrix on earth, as well as the Babylonian money system, and the surveillance state that uses satellite, mobile phone and Internet technologies to control us.

This same system is promoting trans-humanism and artificial intelligence as our preferred future, replacing the need for biological humanity.

Many see this as linked to the ‘alien agenda’. Linda Moulton Howe talks about self-activating software, and the idea that the arrival of alien technology at Roswell marked a new phase in alien interference and enslavement of humanity through technology.

The matrix is kept in place through promoting fear consciousness, or what Barbara Hand Clow calls ‘Catastrophobia’, conditioning us to believe that we are dependent on the control matrix, the money system and grid technology.

“Catastrophobia reveals the insidious global forces that have used these collective fears to control humanity for thousands of years. But we are in the midst of a tremendous shift in the Earth's 26,000-year precessional cycle, and there is every indication that the changes in consciousness over the last 30 years are the beginnings of a collective healing from these deep fears, heralding a new age where we will see that the era of cataclysms is ending and a time of extraordinary creative activity is at hand."

“The Order of Michael is purifying all realms of intelligence beginning at the highest levels of creation and including many of the space brotherhoods who have used a technology of death.” [Keys of Enoch 217:15]