Thursday, 31 December 2015

The Enteric Nervous System (Solar Plexus) in Human Design System and Autism

According to the Human Design System, humanity is in the process of transition into a new being, the RAVE.

“For the full mutation to happen, the emotional center, or Solar Plexus, has to fully mutate into an "aware" awareness center. Right now it is an awareness center but it isn't fully developed. Fully mutated Raves will not begin to come until  2027 with the  transformation of the solar plexus. It is possible to see glimpses of what these Raves will be like, but any examples we see today are only transitional elements and we have no idea what a Rave will really be like. People with autism, people with prostrate cancer and "Indigo Children" are part of this transformation.”

“The emotional center goes up and down in a biochemical wave. This wave can be a few seconds long or several years. A defined solar plexus will have millions of waves intertwined.”

The complexity of the solar plexus with its millions of waves broadcasting biochemical information at millions of different frequencies, we are seeing the emergence of biochemistry as a ‘language of light’, with each molecule having its own light signature, and the evolving immune system in the emerging Rave (autist) beginning to recognize molecules by their light signal rather than their amino acid structure (antibodies). In those known as autists, the enteric immune system has evolved to define the light signature of lutein as ‘non-self’. A being that defines self and not-self by light signature rather than amino acid can no longer be seen as biological in nature, but as a ‘light being’.
As the signaling pathways within the enteric nervous system becomes ever more complex, it develops into what is now being called The Second Brain

'There is a vast network of nerves surrounding the esophagus, stomach and intestines of such complexity that it is called the "second brain." It's real name is the enteric nervous system and it has more neurotransmitters than anywhere else in the entire nervous system.'

‘The gut's brain is reported to play a major role in human happiness and misery. Many gastrointestinal disorders like colitis and irritable bowel syndrome originate from problems within the gut's brain.’ Gastrointestinal disorders are very prevalent in the autistic population.
Also prevalent, and increasing in the human population generally, are multiple chemical sensitivities and food intolerances, marked by the social phenomenon of  special diets, and people with complex sensitivity disorders. These are also signs of the developing complexity of the ‘enteric nervous system’.

This awakening new ‘consciousness center’ is regulated in its awakening by a complex system of neurotransmitters, including powerful endogenous and exogenous opioids (opiate-like substances) which have been found to be unique to people with autism and related conditions including schizophrenia.  The enteric system itself is responsible for the manufacture and storage of these opiates (such as gliadomorphins) and does so in some autists through a sensitivity to gluten and casein containing foods, for example, which are tagged, converted into amino acid chains and ‘switched’ into powerful mu opioids. (Shattock, Panksapp, Reichelt etc.)

In the autist, many functions of the enteric nervous system are entirely shut down, protecting the autist from the overwhelming waves of emotional and sensorineural information that the emerging center would be experiencing if fully awake at this time. This has been shown in the work of Stephen Porgus (the polyvagal theory) which shows how stimulation of the vagus nerve resulted in ‘social awakening’ in the severely autistic subject. We have shown that autists entering into a ‘lutein-free diet’ experiment experience a profound and lasting ‘awakening’, demonstrating the role of lutein as an immune-related switch for the control  of the entire enteric system in the autist. Why lutein has this special role is not yet determined.

Monday, 21 December 2015

"Don't think you know the way to your own deliverance" - Mooiji


"Now you are not depending anymore - such is the path of the free"

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

The Language of the Birds and Symbolism

"The ancient Egyptians dispensed with this restrictive veil (the ego) . . their thought processes – reality/perception – most definitely lived in a parallel realm to the static state. This, due to a life, obviously, based on ‘vital philosophy – a non mechanistic world view – no doubt, an Earth embracing philosophy, which, by definition, would have been totally organic in Nature."

‘The Language of the Birds,’ is an arcane expression which marks an initiate capable of stepping between worlds. To the archaic tongue, our initiate would be known as an entheogenically experienced Shaman. There are no words for the higher ‘experiences’ – only Symbols.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

The Promise of Ascension; through the Scriptures of Light

 Dear all.
 As we all, collectively, as spiritual humanity, go through our Ascension,  refered to by the Keys of Enoch as "our Alpha and Omega point", we are learning that ‘Universal Intelligence’ uses the languages of mathematics, geometry, light and color to open up the Multi-dimensional Reality to our awareness; at the same time, we are learning that it was the disjointed, conditioned and manipulated languages of mind control that broke our connection to the many heavens and kept us disjointed, "broken up into time cells of illusory multiplicity".

Jose Arguelles wrote:
“Like the Earth, our body is ultimately a cosmic radio station, receiving and transmitting messages in every moment. The quality of the messages received is according to the level of our present consciousness. The access of higher dimensions is dependent on us releasing our old identities, habits and belief systems. Only then can we find the secret keys that access hidden gates and then enter the realm of the living Earth, solar system, galaxy and dimensions." 
from: Thirteen Moon Peace Synchronometer 
 28 A whole new specie is being created at this time by the bringing together of the Adamic Overself with the human creation which will allow this spiritual-biological expression of the Christ Race to be advanced to the next consciousness time zone of creation.
29 The axial lines are part of a fifth-dimensional circulatory system combining color and sound, which are used to draw from the Overself body the basic energy used for the renewing functions of the human evolutionary body. 
from: "The Book of Knowledge; The Keys of Enoch by Dr. J.J. Hurtak, Academy for Future Science

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

The Book of Knowledge: Keys of Enoch

The Keys of Enoch is a paraphysical 'codebook' written in 1973 by Dr. J.J. Hurtak. It is a text of higher consciousness experience which explains how the human race is connected with a more advanced higher evolutionary structure of universal intelligence. This book is meant to prepare us for the paradigm shift that will affect all aspects of the social, psychological and spiritual dimensions of life.
 And Metatron said: "A new meridian of time will come and the foundations of the Earth will be shifted to a new magnetic foundation as the orbit of the Earth is reset within the ocean of Light." 
The Keys of Enoch (overview and discussion of underground cities)

Interview with Dr. Hurtak by Adrian Gilbert, author